A Royal Ocarina By John Alonzo

0:38 Cheap vs. \"Expensive\" Ocarinas 🎶 #ocarinaoftime #ocarina #comparison #zelda 0:42 Comparing ALL of my cheap ocarinas 🎶 #ocarina #cheap #comparison #zelda #music 1:01 Which Ocarina of Time melody is the best? #OcarinaQuiz 0:25 Serenade of Water (with Ocarina Tabs) 8:37 Something About Zelda Ocarina of Time: The FIRE TEMPLE (Loud Sound Warning) 🔥🧝🏻🔥 0:30 Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Stunningly Recreated In Unreal Engine! 0:13 Epona’s song on ocarina? Okay. #loz #oot #ocarina #eponassong 0:19 Bolero of Fire on Double Ocarina of Time 0:11 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – 25th anniversary in Europe #Shorts 0:16 Me explaining that ocarinas weren’t created for Zelda 🧚‍♀️ 0:29 What film is this from? 🤔 #ocarina #shortsmas 1:00 The Rarest Rupee 0:50 What happens after 999 deaths in Zelda Ocarina of Time 0:19 my WORLDS BIGGEST Ocarina of Time??? 💙 0:59 5 SECRETS in Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 3 #zelda #ocarinaoftime #secrets 0:15 Song of Time - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time #ocarina #zelda #ocarinaoftime 0:21 Zelda: Song of Storms 0:21 Does this ocarina sound good to you? 😩

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