Cathedral Cats

1:50 Cat joins livestream of Canterbury Cathedral's prayer 1:21 Mischievous cat steals Dean of Canterbury’s pancake during morning prayer 4:42 Cat steals some milk during Dean of Canterbury Cathedral's morning sermon 0:45 Canterbury Cathedral cat disappears under Dean's robes during sermon 1:32 Louis the Wells Cathedral Cat 2:27 Doorkins Magnificat, the Cathedral cat (UK) - BBC London News - 9th August 2018 2:18 Hodge the Cathedral Cat. Southwark Cathedral. London. 0:11 The cat caught a very big fish 5:56 Welcome to Hodge - the new Southwark Cathedral cat 1:10 UK Wells Cathedral pet cat sleeps in medieval splendour despite music Somerset England UK 2:33 Cheeky cathedral cats become viral sensations by interrupting video broadcasts | SWNS 0:45 Cathedral cat disrupts sermon...by disappearing into Dean of Canterbury's robes 1:30 Canterbury Cathedral cat snatches vicar's milk during morning prayer 1:21 Doorkins. The Southwark Cathedral Cat 1:08 Exeter's Feline Connection: The World's Oldest Cat Door in a Cathedral 1:36 Cop Knocks on British Prime Minister's Door to Let Cat in Out of the Rain 3:24 Church the Cat 6:03 Cathedral - Cats, Incense, Candles & Wine 1:29 Dogs, cats get divine blessing at church on Saint Anthony's Day in Spain

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