Doot Doot

4:37 Freur - Doot Doot (Official Video) 2:10 Skrilla - Doot Doot (Baby Shark) (feat. G Herbo) (Official Audio) 2:08 Skrilla - Doot Doot (Music Video) 6:12 FREUR Doot Doot 12 inch HQ 5:23 Freur Doot Doot 3:48 Freur Doot Doot High Quality 3:52 Freur - Doot Doot (Festivalbar '83) 4:20 Freur / \"Doot Doot\" - Faith Assembly 4:14 Freur - Doot Doot (Welsh TV Performance) 3:55 Freur - Doot-Doot (Festivalbar '83) 3:53 Freur - Doot Doot (introduced by Carlo Massarini - Rai Tv Italy) 3:30 Doot Doot By Freur / Performed by Kids 7:40 Freur \"Riders in the Night\" \"Doot Doot\" (Tocata 24-01-84) 6:46 Deusolourdo, L'ERREUR de Game Freak ? 2:10 Skrilla - Doot Doot (Baby Shark) (feat. G Herbo) (Music Video) 2:08 Skrilla Doot Doot (Unreleased) 5:19 Doot Doot - Freur cover by Oleg Shuntsov feat. Neuppe. 2:34 DOOT DOOT REMIX 2:25 Doot Doot (Slowed) 4:16 Freur - Doot Doot (Live 1983) 6:14 Freur - Doot Doot (Extended Version) 7:18 Skrilla - Doot Doot (Baby Shark) (feat. G Herbo) (Official Audio) (Extended) 6:18 Freur - Doot Doot w/lyrics

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