Interpreting Jesus

5:02 Interpreting the Miracles of Jesus 7:42 Jesus and the Interpreter. A modern-day christian helps Jesus get started. 5:42 Why Jesus Told Parables (and How You Can Understand Them) 1:39 आज बाइबल छंद ( Luke 16:19-31 ) || Daily Bible Reading #bible #jesus #prayer 9:00 Interpreting Jesus Episode 1: Seeking The Historical Jesus in the Gospels 13:08 Interpreting Jesus' First Sermon | Interpretation Series 3:00 Interpreting Yahweh Passages for Jesus Responsibly | #shorts #biblicalunitarian 2:20 Interpreting Jesus using \"Seca\" by Paulo Freire 2:11 The Bible: Interpreting #reformation #martinluther #lutheran #jesus

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