Japan Bbc

0:48 Japan ministry worker loses sensitive files on night out. #Japan #Beer #BBCNews 0:39 Cam Whitnall meets the bowing deer of Nara, Japan - BBC 0:09 Hidden runway bomb explodes just after plane takes off. #MiyazakiAirport #Japan #BBCNews 0:41 Miss Japan gives up crown after tabloid exposes affair. #Shorts #MissJapan #BBCNews 0:34 Rescuers in Japan race to free truck driver trapped in sinkhole. #Yashio #Sinkhole #BBCNews 3:14 ロシアとの停戦についてアメリカとウクライナが合意 8時間超の協議を経て 2:46 Why does Japan have so few children? - BBC News 0:58 Cyber Bunny on BBC World Radio on origami and stationary in Japan 0:30 Shogun’s Hiroyuki Sanada delivers Emmy acceptance speech in Japanese. #Shogun #Emmys #BBCNews 0:50 Japanese city to name and shame people who break rubbish rules. #Trash #Japan #Fukushima #BBCNews 0:57 Flights cancelled at Japan airport after scissors go missing. #Japan #Airport #BBCNews 0:12 Plane aborts landing during Japan typhoon. #ExtremeWeather #BBCNews 3:31 City Where People Live Alongside Deer | Asia | BBC Earth 6:20 Why it's almost impossible to lose things in Japan - BBC REEL 2:45 アメリカの支援停止…「あるもので戦う」とウクライナ兵 2:22 ウクライナ、ロシア・クルスク州の占領地を次々失う アメリカの支援や交渉の影響は

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