Jesus Interrupted

6:52 How Bart Ehrman Exploits His Audience's Ignorance 2:23 Jesus, Interrupted by Bart D. Ehrman 9:14 Why You Don't Let Bart Ehrman Interpret the Bible for You 9:31 Jesus, Interrupted 1 6:40 The Lost Years of Jesus: The 18-Year Mystery Unveiled 9:15 Jesus, Interrupted 4 5:35 Jesus, Interrupted 2.7 9:04 Jesus, Interrupted 3 5:55 Jesus interrupted by Bart Ehrman 9:09 Jesus, Interrupted 2 9:15 Jesus, Interrupted 2.4 4:27 Jesus, Interrupted 7 9:04 Jesus, Interrupted 5 9:08 Jesus, Interrupted 2.3

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