
0:47 The Underdog Spirit of Alan Turing: A Motivational Journey 0:12 Грустные воспоминания тяжело ложатся на сердце. 0:52 The Inspiring Resilience of Harriet Tubman: Journey to Freedom 2:28 Motive Soul - Technificent 0:44 The Hidden Philosophy of Vincent van Gogh: Finding Light in Darkness 0:45 The Hidden Brilliance of Leonardo da Vinci: A Visionary Ahead of His Time 0:44 The Hidden Inspiration of Nikola Tesla's Creative Process 0:45 The Hidden Inspiration of Harriet Beecher Stowe: Fueling Change Through Words 0:43 The Untold Motivation from Nikola Tesla: Embrace Your Uniqueness 0:46 The Quiet Symphony of Clara Schumann: Music as Motivation 0:47 The Untold Spark in Audrey Hepburn's Humanitarian Legacy 0:49 The Hidden Revolution of Ada Lovelace: Inspiration Beyond Code 0:37 The Indomitable Spirit of Sojourner Truth: Champion for Change 0:51 The Unyielding Spirit of Harriet Tubman: A Brave Journey 0:47 The Motivational Insight of Rumi: A Path to Self-Discovery 0:45 The Unseen Courage of Oskar Schindler: A Motivational Insight

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