Paul Bearer Interview

3:18 The Undertaker on his friendship with Paul Bearer: The Mortician sneak peek 9:35 Paul Bearer on how he became Undertakers manager 2:18 Sam Roberts & Paul Bearer at The Legends of the Ring 8:59 Undertaker Tells A Great Paul Bearer Story 2:03 Paul Bearer makes his debut on \"The Brother Love Show\" by 1:00 King interviews Paul Bearer about Undertaker ft. Kane #shorts 4:50 King's Court with Paul Bearer and Ted DiBiase: Raw, August 2:27 Paul Bearer tells Jerry Lawler a hilarious story 1:24 WWF WrestleMania 11 - Gorilla Monsoon Interviews Paul Bearer & The Undertaker (1995-04-02) 9:48 \"He Wouldn't Talk to me for 3 Days!\" Paul Bearer was the Ultimate Creature of Habit 11:12 Very Best Paul Bearer & Undertaker Promos Ohh Yes! 😱🏺 1:09 Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) Interview [1991-09-28] 8:49 Paul Bearer Shares His WILDEST Road Stories Ever! 7:13 Paul Bearer on managing Undertaker vs Hogan, Giant Gonzales, Jake Roberts & more 4:05 A tribute to Paul Bearer: Raw, March 11, 2013 0:33 WWF RAW IS WAR June 29, 1998 Me W/ Paul Bearer & Mankind Backstage Interview 0:34 WWF RAW IS WAR June 1, 1998 Me & Paul Bearer Backstage Interview 9:25 Paul Bearer talks about The Undertaker and Kane | WWF RAW (1998)

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