The Athena Protocol

6:15 badass ladies and saving the world | The Athena Protocol review 1:16 The Athena Protocol 1:00 The Athena Protocol | The List: Great Reads for Youth 12:23 The Athena Protocol | Author Shamim Sarif 0:33 The Athena Protocol | Books | Action | SPY | LGBTQ+ | @shamimsarif3752 3:12 Princess Beatrice recalls her 'overwhelming fear' after realising her baby daughter Athena 0:25 The Athena Protocol Novel written by- Shamim Sarif 0:42 Jessie in Belgrade - The Athena Protocol by Shamim Sarif 6:34 The Athena Protocol Movie | Author Shamim Sarif 3:42 Plot Construction in The Athena Protocol | Author Shamim Sarif

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