The Big Thing

6:14 The lost art of accomplishment without burnout | Cal Newport for Big Think + 11:55 12 traits emotionally intelligent people share (You can learn them) | Daniel Goleman for Big Think+ 7:28 The smartest people have mastered these 6 core skills | Michael Watkins for Big Think+ 8:36 Big Dumb Luxury Homes 3 11:00 Anderson Cooper: Trump and Musk turned White House lawn into ‘Tesla showroom’ 9:50 Judges issue STUNNING SMACKDOWN against Trump 10:23 Canadian officials announce over $20 billion in retaliatory tariffs on US goods 13:11 Jaguar XJS | The Next Big Thing with Magnus Walker 10:55 She studied extreme psychopaths. Here’s what it taught her about human nature | Abigail Marsh 10:59 How to grow deeply happy | Jonny Thomson 7:14 Don’t chase happiness. Become antifragile | Tal Ben-Shahar | Big Think 4:36 T.I. - Big Things Poppin' (Do It) [Official Video] 2:01 Samsung Mobile The Next Big Thing | Super Bowl spot (2013) 10:14 Science is shattering our intuitions about consciousness | Annaka Harris 1:01 Samsung \"The Next Big Thing\" ad parodies an iPhone line 1:37 The Little Big Things | Official Trailer | National Theatre at Home

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