The Patriarchs

1:54 The Patriarchs - An Elegy by Simon Armitage (a poem for Prince Philip 1921-2021) 3:52 Пещера Патриархов 0:28 Tel Beersheba | Home of the Patriarchs 2:16 The Patriarchs - An Elegy. 10:35 Проповедь Святейшего Патриарха Кирилла в Неделю 3-ю Великого поста, Крестопоклонную 5:34 What Happened When the Jews Opened Prophet Yusuf (Joseph's) grave? 8:20 Разваливающая древняя крепость в Эстонии и пещера под ней. 4:31 Your Virtual Israel Tour | Day 29: Cave of the Patriarchs 4:58 Episode 2: Path of the Patriarchs 0:59 Understanding Hamas: Baruch Goldstein & the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre 3:38 3. The Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob / Gen 12-35 0:49 Guns of the Patriarchs

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