Zhang Zhehan No Matter Where The Wind Comes From I Always Know Where I M Goin

1:30 「無論風從哪裏來,我始終知道自己的方向」預告 [No matter where the wind comes from, I always know where I'm going]Trailer 3:39 [MV] Who Rules the World | Hu Yanbin & Ye Xuanqing - Breath of Wind | Zhao Lusi and Yang Yang 2:21 [English Subs] WOH concert - Zhang Zhe Han & Gong Jun uncensored! 2:38 張哲瀚2023演唱會「洪荒劇場」之「時空信箱」特別企劃 1:19 「途」之小朋友篇 The children’s section of “Journey 3:14 ZZH【2022全球最帥面孔第24名】+ LANVIN&Maybelline(cut) / The 100 Most Handsome Faces of 2022 Ranking No.24 #張哲瀚 2:51 21 TOP DRAMA LIST VIN ZHANG

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